9:10 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. Breakout Session I
9:10 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. Breakout Session I

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In today’s society knowing computer skills, whether basic or advanced, is imperative. Having a basic knowledge of word processing, internet browsing, or emailing will go a long way to aid in employment as well as in other areas of life.
PRCIL offers a variety of computer classes including basic skills, internet, Facebook, Google Docs, YouTube, and more. These classes are free to people with disabilities.
Seating is limited, so call us today!

Call 903-729-7505

Computer basics class will cover the basic elements of Windows.
Learning Objectives
Mouse and keyboard,
Text Basics - highlighting, copying and pasting text, common menus, toolbars, and shortcuts,
Exploring programs and documents
Overview of computer hardware and storage media

Excel basics class will cover the basic elements of Excel.
Learning Objectives:
Creating and opening a workbook, saving and sharing workbooks
Cell basics, modifying columns, rows, cells, formatting cells, working with multiple worksheets
Using find and replace, spellcheck, page layouts and printing
Computer familiarity using the keyboard and mouse; highlighting, copying and pasting text, and using the basic elements of the Windows operating system
MS Excel

In this class, you will learn how to create word processing documents.
Learning Objectives:
Word ribbon
Text basics, formatting, spelling and grammar check, indenting and margins, line spacing, find and replace, headers and footers.
Saving and organizing files
Computer familiarity using the keyboard and mouse; highlighting, copying and pasting text, and using the basic elements of the Windows operating system
MS Word

In this course, attendees will learn how to use this free cloud-based program for creating professional documents.
Learning Objectives:
Using Google Drive saving and organizing files
Text basics, formatting, spelling and grammar check, indenting and margins, line spacing, find and replace, headers and footers.
Computer familiarity using the keyboard and mouse; highlighting, copying and pasting text, and using the basic elements of the Windows operating system
Google Docs